Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

“Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later work belongs.”

Nurse anesthesia interview questions

So, after much research done for my personal CRNA interview, i have compiled a list of questions that should be helpful during the interview process. I had some of these questions during my interviews, and the rest are from my classmates interviews. Please, if you've had other questions during your interview please share.
Good luck to all you future CRNAs.

Why do you want to be a CRNA?
Please describe the type of ICU nursing experience you've had
How big is your unit?
tells us about a typical patient? some of the drips these patients would be on
Have you shadowed a CRNA? where? please describe that experience?
Why should we pick you for our program?
Describe any type of activities, or courses you have taken to help you into the role of a CRNA?
Know your specialty well, they will ask specific questions relevant to your areas of practice.
describe the most critical patient you've had.
know your blood gases
know your 12 lead EKG
why did you choose to apply to this program/school?
Discuss the pharmacologic differences between dopamine and dobutamine.
What strengths do you bring to this program?
What would make you a successful CRNA
What was your last difficult pt? What made it difficult and what did you do?
What is the role of a CRNA/What do you see as your role as a CRNA?