Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

“Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later work belongs.”

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Advice from Seniors


Man, they are so lucky. Just over two years ago, they were in my shoes, fear of the unknown. They have gone thru this rigorous program, and only 2 more months to go. kudos to them. They are counting down. They are so excited. Wish i was in their shoes right now.
Any how, they had some helpful advice to give:

1) make friends.
Your friend will call you in middle of the night and say: "how do you do this assignment?" And your reply will be: " what assignment?"

Get my drift. You will keep each other on track.

2)Don't worry about money.
This is not the time to go shopping at D&G. Save your money, you never know what situations you'll run into.

3)Check your bulletin board or email.

Whatever way your school keeps in contact with students, make sure your updated. Because you don't wanna go to registration and discover that you still own money from the semester, or you don't have clearance with health services, and therefore you cannot register.

4)Be proactive in your education.
These professors are here to facilitate your education, and not here to spoon feed you. So, hit the books, and start learning stuff on your own too.

5)Be responsible and own up.
Be careful in clinicals. if you don't know something ask before you do it. Because if you hurt the patient, it is your responsibility. If you kill them, its your responsibility. You should know your drugs before coming to clinicals, its your responsibility.

6)Be flexible.
When clinicals come around, they might send you somewhere you didn't want to go (i.e somewhere pretty far from your home).
Advice, get a car now if you don't have one. Doesn't have to be fancy.

7)Know your basic meds.
You'll look better, and albeit smarter in clinicals.

Once again people, gonna hit the books.


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