Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

“Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later work belongs.”

Friday, March 11, 2011

Anesthesia is not always easy

Hey guys,
Its like 1 Am and i have an exam on Tuesday. So, i was with my study group today and we went over stuff we didn't understand and helped each other out. Then after the studying session things took another direction. everyone just started talking about their personal struggles.

This one girl started to talk about just feeling like she's loosing confidence in herself and how this program is far more challenging then expected. She feels depressed at times. And every one just started to talk about how they felt and, to be honest, it was a pretty cool moment.

Its comforting to know that everyone else shares those feelings. People started talking about how stressed out and depressed they get. Some people admitted to crying sessions in there private times. WOW!!!And plenty admitted to second guessing themselves.

I've definitely had those feelings. Overall, things are going OK actually this semester but coexisting diseases is killing us, that class is insane. And that is the root of every one's concern. We had this professor before and it just seems like everyone is struggling in that class like the previous semester. He is a great person but his teaching style is awful and confusing. The highest score in the class was in the low 80s. And everyone just seems so anxious and uneasy with that class. I do too. I swear people just seems depressed and confused in that class.

Meanwhile, the other classes are going great. The averages are much higher and we are honestly learning the material and being prepared for clinicals. The other professors have great teaching style and know their material really well and that helps a lot.

It can be a struggle at times. Anyways, looking forward to spring brake.

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