Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

“Never regard study as a duty, but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the liberating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit for your own personal joy and to the profit of the community to which your later work belongs.”

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My biggest fear

I love anesthesia, i honestly do. I cant imagine myself doing anything else. But my biggest fear is having to know so many drugs in school and sometimes i fear that i wont remember them when i get to clinical practice, God willing that i get there.
I taught i was the only one with those concerns, until someone mentioned that in class yesterday, and we all started talking about it. Its comforting to know that everyone else has those same fears, and doubts. Our professor even addressed that issue, and reassured us that once we start clinical practice we would have a better understanding of those drugs then our clinical preceptors because they are still fresh in our minds. He was honest with us and said that 70% of anesthesia graduates forget 90% of what they learned. You just have to refresh yourself in clinical practice, and you wont have to deal with the amount to drugs you learn in school.

Well, made me feel little better, but i still have fears.

Yup, and he didn't forget to mention that in a code people will be looking at the anesthetist to run it (i knew that part already), and you just have to take a breath and do what your trained to do. Yeah sounds easy until your in the situation and everything you could possibly fear that could go wrong, will go wrong.

I'm doing my best here to stay positive. I'm going to learn as much as i can, and do as i am trained. And the rest is in the hands of the big guy upstairs (i know that i'm not alone)

peace out
Hitting the library


  1. Hi Future CRNA! I have been following your blog and I truly enjoy reading your posts! I just found out recently that I was accepted into a nurse anesthesia program and I will be starting Fall 2011. Thank you so much for posting...it helps me to see what it will be like. I am a newly wed and will actually be moving away from my husband to attend this school. Good luck with everything! I will keep reading your posts! :-)

    Oh, and don't worry about the codes....be confident...that's why you got accepted to the program in the first place! Just go by the ACLS algorithms and the rest will fall into place!

  2. Hey,
    Good luck with Anesthesia school.

    I have a classmate in the same situation as you. Her husband lives away and comes to see here every weekend. Everything will work out as long as you put in the work. Only thing is that my classmate wants to have a baby during this program, we all have been trying to convince her that this is not the best idea, but she'll do what she likes.
    Yeah, i'm nervous about codes....but my confidence is slowly growing into just a matter of moving from following orders to giving orders

  3. Thanks! I'm going to need some luck! I can't believe your classmate wants a baby right now. Is she smoking crack??? I don't even know how I will manage my studying yet! Well it sounds like you have a great head on your shoulders. Do you live in an apartment alone or student housing. Do you live alone or have a roomie? I am trying to figure out the best living situation for me. I thought rooming with someone in the program would be good. Happy thanksgiving! I will look out for more of your posts as they give me inspiration!!

  4. good luck with your application.
    I live at home with parents which is convenient and cost effective. It was hard because i want my independence but also taught about the added money of leasing/renting a place. And i saved a lot by moving back in.
    it depends on your personality. do you get along with people well?
    i have a really high tolerance and patience for people so roommates are not an issue for me, but can be an issue for others especially if your personalities dont mesh well and the other person is really messy.
    A lot of classmates have roommates and some are doing great and other not so great.
    I would have roomed with someone if i have the opportunity because you can keep each other on tract. But it really depends on you. it is cost effective and if you dont get along you can spend your days in the library, anyways thats where you'll be most of your time anyways.
    feel free to ask any advice about the application process.
    good luck
